Ranking Volumes of Solids of Revolution

One of the explicit goals of the integral calculus course I am teaching this quarter is for the students to develop geometric visualization skills.  How do you train students to generate mental pictures?  One can:

  • give them an easy picture to remember, i.e., do an example where you draw a simple region in the plane like a rectangle in the first quadrant with an edge on the x-axis and then draw by hand the cylinder it sweeps out through revolution about the x-axis.
  • show them a computer animation of more complicated region revolving and generating a solid.
  • show them a physical demonstration of the construction, using something like a paper wedding bell.
  • show them a familiar rotationally symmetric object being milled on a lathe.

Each of these presentations creates an image in the mind of the student, but ultimately it is the practice of creating similar images on their own through exercises that helps them to develop their geometric imagination.  Unfortunately, students often seek out help with their out-of-class work from friends, tutoring centers, online tutorials, etc., and in doing so may bypass this aspect of the exercise altogether.  To combat that trend, I’ve tried the following in-class activities:

  1. On day that solids of revolution are introduced, I do a physical demonstration with a modified paper wedding bell.  I cut the profile to approximate the graph of y=\sqrt{x} over [0,4], so that when unfurled the “bell” looks like a paraboloid.  After that, I teach them how to draw a picture of the solid, set up an integral to compute its volume, carry out the computation, and then do a sanity check by comparing the computed value to the volumes of an enveloping circular cylinder and an inscribed right circular cone.
  2. The next class period, after they have a had some time to absorb the idea and to work with examples, I do a more complicated example with an associated with an animation.  Time permitting, I talk about how we can make such shapes using lathes and show a quick video.  This gives a touch of practical realism to the subject and cements its importance.
  3. By the next class period, they are ready to tackle a ConcepTest like this one:

Notice that no equations are given for the curves bounding the region.  This is by design. There are no integrals to set up and calculate in order to answer the question.  What is important is visualization and critical thinking about the comparison.  This kind of question requires a different level of cognitive activity.  Not only do they need to envision the solids in a rough sense, they also need to sharpen their mental pictures with scale in order to facilitate comparison.  This is difficult to do, and students find it challenging or perhaps even too difficult as an individual exercise.  But posing such a question as a ConcepTest, harnesses the power of collaborative learning.  After an initial vote, the small group discussion forces students to verbalize their mental pictures and compare with those of their fellow students.  Through such discussion, their mental images are adjusted, sharpened and uniformized.

Posted on October 30, 2011, in ConcepTests: Integral Calculus and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. In my high school calculus class, we went to the wood shop and cut out pieces of plywood with our function y=1 – f(x) as the profile. Then we went to the art department and used the pottery wheel to make a big mess and in some cases a solid of revolution.

    We then went to the physics department (after they had cured) and submerged our solid in a bucket of water and measured the amount displaced to verify our computation of the volume. We also discussed error of measurement.

    Its something I wish I could in every Calculus class I’ve taught.

    Especially because it leads to one of my favorite examples in all of mathematics: Gabriel’s Horn.

    • That is awesome!

      I could do something like that in integral calculus next year. The motto at Cal Poly is “Learn by doing.” It might not be feasible for me have every student do something, but I could get a bunch of models of solids of revolution made from a dense material and borrow an aquarium from the physics demo team. What a great idea!

      • Well you could definitely make your own solids on a lathe (I am sure you have one 🙂 ). However, I would encourage you to find a way to have your students make them. When students have ownership of a problem they have more complete understanding.

  2. Arlo,

    Virgil’s example reminds me of a method for computing definite integrals described in Kreyszig’s Advanced Engineering Mathematics. First, cut out a unit square of cardboard and weight it. Then graph your function on a piece of cardboard, cut out the area under the curve, and weigh.


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